Young Arab Graduation Network

Every Arab Scientist has a role in advancing science and capacity building in the region, become an active player by participating in this initiative, read more Young Arab Graduate Network (YAGN). The aim of the YAGN is to provide a “user-friendly” guide for Arab college graduates who wish to pursue postgraduate education in the West. The intent is to facilitate this process for such students and help them by matching their interests with a suitable and compatible academic environment in the west. The proposed Network will be Web-based and will provide the opportunity for those potential candidates to learn about general regulations and requirements for pursuing graduate work, and more importantly to provide a link to AES living and teaching in the West. Many of the AES are eager to help and support young and promising graduates to pursue their higher education.

The Program
The Young Arab Graduate Network initiative was launched as part of a group of Arab expatriate scientists wanting to make a difference to the status of science and research in the Arab world. We want to collect this information about you so that it will be accessible to young graduate from the Arab worlds who are interested in pursuing postgraduate degrees or training and experience in the West. This information will be in a secure website and only accessible to registered and verified users. By providing this information there is no obligation that you take any responsibility other than open up the opportunity for a graduate student to be mentored or supported by you to complete their training and education If they satisfy other institutional and degree requirements and regulations. You will be able to review the student’s background and interests as well as communicate with the student or group of candidate students to choose the most appropriate candidate. The web site will be a hub and resource for higher education information for young Arab graduates from the region as part of a larger site on education and research in the Arab region. This specific training Network is called the “Young Arab Graduate Network” (YAGN).